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King DJ
"Attack Of The Killer Monks EP"

Belgian based sonic operator, King DJ, is a busy chap at the moment.

Belgian based sonic operator, King DJ, is a busy chap at the moment. What with his own label, 2 million DJ gigs, remixes for French legends, Space, and his nifty 'Escape From New York' disco cover version lighting up the floors, we are pretty lucky to get a fine EP from his royal highness.
'Attack Of The Killer Monks' EP is the King's first vinyl for Bearfunk and we have enlisted a couple of minor royals to assist on the remix duties. Fellow Belgians, The Glimmers, (ably assisted by Duke Ray Mang) dub things up and strip back the grooves to some minimalist disco for their version of Killer Monks. Head Bear Prince, Stevie Kotey, tackles 'Clothes and Counters' with his chunky bass synth. Also stripping back on the lead lines his version is a low-slung growler for those more intense dance floor moments.
The King's originals of course are also present. 'Clothes and Counters' is full of rolling bass guitar lines and darting disco keys. 'Attack Of The Killer Monks' pretty much describes the vibe of the track, part sci-fi groove from 1981 and part catchy themed lead line all in timbale-wrapped package with a few scat like vocals thrown in for good measure.

Written & Produced by Kristof Michiels.
Percussion by Bjorn Denys.
Remix & additional production by on 02 by The Glimmers. A few monkeys by Ray Mang.
Edit by Dave Glimmer.
Published by Dharma Songs.
(P) & (C) 2010 Bearfunk

1. Attack Of The Killer Monks Buy Track ( 0.73)
2. Attack Of The Killer Monks [The Glimmers Black Hole Dub] Buy Track ( 0.73)
3. Clothes & Counters [Stevie Kotey Mix] Buy Track ( 0.73)
4. Clothes & Counters Buy Track ( 0.73)
Buy All Tracks ( 2.65)