Next Release

Matt Kenny
"My Malaise EP"

Next up on Bearfunk we are pleased to welcome UK based producer Matt Kenny back into the Bearfunk den.

Next up on Bearfunk we are pleased to welcome UK based producer Matt Kenny back into the Bearfunk den. Matt has had two releases with us to date and his third is a tasty little number called "My Malaise".
First up is lead track "My Malaise". Muscular, pulsing basses and driving TR909 drum patterns power this tune along. Dance floor all the way. London DJ Pete Herbert is next up with his remix jam packaged full of angular stabby basslined and dance floor sensibilities.
"Back 2 Basement" seamlessly blends big room beats with a fleeting touch of soul. Jazzy chords, fleeting pads and darting synth lines adding layers of smooth sheen onto a fine electronic number.

Written & Produced by Matt Kenny.
Remix & Additional Production on 02. by Pete Herbert.
Published by Dharma Songs.
(P) & (C) 2017 Bearfunk

1. My Malaise Buy Track ( 0.72)
2. My Malaise [The Pete Herbert Brick Lane Version]
3. Back 2 Basement